
New!  Board Wide License - October 22, 2024

What is Read&Write ?

Read&Write is an assistive technology software designed to support individuals with reading and writing difficulties. It offers a range of features, including text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and tools for highlighting, summarizing, and organizing information. The program aims to enhance literacy skills, improve comprehension, and foster independent learning for students and professionals alike.

How do I install Read&Write for Chrome ?

They 3 Extensions are listed in the bookmarks, you can access them here:

Also available in the Chrome Web Store:


Read&Write Chrome Training Guide June 2024

Starter Exercises

Please Sign-in to Chrome with your account !


Demo 1: Acid Rain or Axolotl

Demo 2: Pluies acides

Teacher Guided Exercise: <Display for Students>

Exercise 1: Read&Write  - Scavenger Hunt



Demo 3: Onomatopoeia (PDF) 

Exercise 2: OrbitNote - Scavenger Hunt

Quick Tips: Explore Read&Write and OrbitNote


Extra Exercises :
Exercise 1,  Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4, Exercise 5, Exercise 6, Exercise 7, Exercise 8, Exercise 9, Exercise 10, Exercise 11, Exercise 12, Exercise 13, Exercise 14, Exercise 15

OrbitNote PDF Exercises 

Assistive Technology - Read&Write & OrbitNote

Creating Two Language Profiles (English & French) in Read&Write for Chrome

Creating Profiles - Create profiles to remember all of your preferred settings for Read&Write. Quickly switch between different settings profiles from the toolbar menu.  You can have a profile set up for use in a particular language or for a particular purpose and it’s super quick and easy to do.  You can create as many as 8 profiles.

...    Settings
Profiles, English
General, Theme (Light)
Speech, Voice (English (US) Female Ava
Speech, Translation (French-français)
Speech, Reading (Off Continuous reading)
Prediction, Number of results  (7)
Prediction, ☑️ Use Read&Write Legacy Prediction
Screen Masking  (75,0,40)
Language, Language (English (United States))
Language, Features (English (United States))

...   Paramètres
Profils, Français
Général, Thème (Sombre)
Parole, Voix (French (Canadian) Female Amelie or Google francais
Parole, Traduction (English)
Parole,  Lecture (désactivéLecture continue)
Prédiction, Nombre de résultats (7)
Prediction, ☑️ Use Read&Write Legacy Prediction
Masquage de l'écran (75,0,40)
Langue, Langue (Français)
Langue, Fonctionnalités (Français)

Training Plan for 2024-25
(Posted on our home page:

We are onboarding staff with Read&Write training.

Training Plan for 2024-25

October 18: Assistive Technology (AT) Support for Learners with Diverse Needs (All Staff)
Sign up:

November 20: Community of Lead Practitioners (CLPs) & Information Resources (IR) Staff
Note: Each school has 1-3 Lead Teachers or CLPs
Sign up:

November 25: Pedagogical Services Department (PSD) – Head Office Staff

December 4: Pedagogical Services Department (PSD) – In-School Professionals

January 6: Leveraging Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence for Diverse Needs (All Staff)
Sign up:

Many students & parents attended our Assitive Tech PD sessions - some did not.

September 30, October 1 & 2 (3 Nights): Students & Parents – Training sessions for students that received new computers

Your EdTech consultants are also on the road, providing in-school support based on demand and school requests.

We’ve also created valuable resources to support your use of Assistive Technology. Check them out here:

Ron Turchyniak & Tim Foreman

I want to learn about each button on the toolbar !

Read&Write for Google Chrome - Short YouTube Videos !

Read&Write for Education How-to Articles

OrbitNote - How to read PDFs that were not OCR scanned !

In OrbitNote, select the Screenshot Reader button, then choose a region, and it will read the text within that area. - OrbitNote Dashboard

Student Exercises (Practice Sheets)

Read&Write for Google Chrome learning resources


Activity sheet for beginners

This activity sheet walks beginners through using 3 basic tools for writing - Text-to-Speech, Talk&Type, and Word Prediction for students who will be using Graphic Organizers to organize information.  Adapted from Sandra Oliver and Minda Cabral,  West Costa County Unified School District, CA.

Student practice exercises for all grades

This worksheet walks students through specific exercises to help learn and practice with 13 tools from the Google Docs toolbar in Read&Write for Google Chrome.  This can be used for most grade levels. Created and contributed by Cassie Frost, Stevens Point Area SD, WI

Practice exercises for middle and high school students

This version of practice exercises for learning 13 tools was created especially with middle and high school students in mind.  Adapted by Toni Petersen and Tiz Lambert from Lyons Township High School District, IL.  

Using Read&Write for high school students

This lesson shows how Text-to-Speech, highlighters, and the dictionary tool can all be used to analyze text for specific and varying higher level tasks with an example from the 11th Grade Smarter Balanced Assessment Practice test. Created and contributed by Nora Trentacoste, Regional Director - West, Texthelp Inc.

Read&Write scavenger hunt

This is a creative way to get students to try various tools in different environments and can be adapted for most grade levels.  This is being provided to give you an idea of how you can do a Scavenger Hunt with Google Docs, Chrome Web, and PDF documents.  You are encouraged to make your own using this idea. Adapted from Stephanie Howell, IT Coordinator, Pickerington SD, OH

Using Read&Write in a reading & comprehension lesson

This well thought out lesson uses a short story and a poem to have students practice with the Text-to-Speech, Talk&Type, Word Prediction, Dictionary, Picture Dictionary, Highlighters, and Vocabulary List tools to help students read, respond, learn new words and identify rhyming patterns.   Adapted from Elizabeth Whistance-Smith, Toronto, Canada.

Ways to use

Productivity boost

This document demonstrates three different and productive ways that the Picture Dictionary can be used to enhance organization, behavior prompts and writing a social story.  Created and contributed by Cassie Frost, Stevens Point Area SD, WI.

This document takes an in-depth look from installation to usage, benefits and possible uses for grades 2-12 and all types of learners in an easy to read and use format. Created and contributed by Bentonville Schools ATeam, AR.

Study & research skills

This document thoroughly presents potential obstacles to successful studying such as concentration, listening, note taking, and test taking.  Practical  solution suggestions using Read&Write tools are made for these areas of concern. Created and contributed by the Bentonville Schools ATeam, AR.

This worksheet walks students through choosing a research topic and gaining deeper understanding of the topic through using several Read&Write tools. Adapted from Alison Kinahan, Ottawa Catholic School Board, Ontario, CA

Specific school programs

This resource contains a chart of support for LEP/ELL/ESOL, Dual Language, Special Education, AVID, and Parent Involvement for various needs of each group.  It presents the tools most helpful to each group including an explanation of how students can be supported.

Writing process

Various Read&Write tools help students during pre-writing, drafting and editing. This self-reflective checklist asks students to record which tools they used for each stage and which tools they found to be most helpful.  Based on student response, teachers can make suggestions and give feedback.


This tip sheet gives suggestions for how best to use your highlighters in Read&Write for Google Chrome in a K-12 education environment and gives examples of  specific color-coding systems based on need.  

This tip sheet gives suggestions for how best to use your highlighters in Read&Write for Google Chrome in a university setting and gives examples of  specific color-coding systems based on need. 

Vocabulary lists

This tip sheet gives suggestions on ways to modify and customize the Vocabulary List which is built in Read&Write for Google Chrome.  By renaming the column categories and even adding columns for additional categories, you can create a personalized table with the information you most need to learn.

This tip sheet gives suggestions on ways to modify and customize the Vocabulary List which is built in Read&Write for Google Chrome.  By removing definitions, renaming the column categories and even adding columns for additional categories, you can modify the information so your students will better be able to learn what is needed.

For deaf & hard-of-hearing and blind & low vision users

This is a quick guide to which tools would be useful for those with hearing and vision loss.

Read&Write for Education Academy

What platforms are supported ?

How do I obtain other versions of the software ?

We will let everyone know how to obtain the following versions as they are configured & ready to use.

Feel free to install Read&Write for Chrome (Available as of Oct 25, 2024)

These 3 extensions will replace: WordQ for Chrome/Chromebooks

We are working on adding Read&Write for Windows to the "Software Center" (November 20, 2024)

This is version is like WordQ5 for Windows & can also be used on your school computer !


NB: If you click on the links that say "Download" it will start downloading without a prompt !

We are working on adding Read&Write for the Edge Browser (November 20, 2024)

You can activate the TextHelp software listed above with either your Google ( or Microsoft ( account.


All of the Downloads listed above were from:

 Support Tools for Students with Dyslexia

Support tools for students with dyslexia

Students with dyslexia have learning differences which can be supported with a variety of appropriate technological support tools improving  their overall performance.  Read&Write for Google Chrome tools allow students with dyslexia to be equal participants in learning experiences.

Read&Write for Windows has an exam mode that is similar to WordQ5 for Windows

The Exam Mode in Read&Write for Windows allows a teacher or admin to turn Read&Write toolbar features off for exams.
To use Exam Mode, each user will need to sign into Windows with a unique login.

Exam Mode can be used to turn features off for one student on a particular computer where they will take an exam. The Advanced Exam Mode can be used to turn features off for large numbers of computers or users on your network, or to set up a date range in the future for Exam Mode to be automatically enabled.

When Exam Mode is enabled, the student will have access to:

NB: Students will have Access to WordQ5 for Windows as long as it works**.

**At some point it may no longer work & we will not have support for updates as the company has moved to a yearly subscription model.

TextHelp - Status Reports (Status, Maintenance & Incidents) - What is Running & Down !